Hello and welcome! My name is Christy, but I use “HH” here on my blog as my nickname. I’m so grateful you stopped by!
To help you get to know more about the person who’s writing all of this, I’ve shared 25 random facts below about myself. (I like games – I think this counts!) This list really sums up who I am – an organized, messy, tough, wimpy, cookie-eating, fitness-loving, laid-back, strict, happy, northern-southern (now northern again!), stay-at-home mom. :)
1. I am proud to be a stay-at-home mom to my four precious daughters. (The link takes you to a post I wrote after I was criticized by a reader “for wasting my education in order to stay home and sort laundry” – her words. I see my worth as a stay-at-home mom differently.)
2. I graduated with honors from Harvard with a degree in psychology. (Put #1 and #2 together and you’ve got my blog’s title. In many ways, using the name “Harvard Homemaker” is my way of finally embracing the path I’ve chosen as a homemaker and no longer feeling the need to “apologize” to critics for my own personal choices in life. I have no regrets. Read more here.)
3. I married my college sweetheart – who also happened to be one of my brother’s best friends.
4. We lived in Raleigh for 15 years, but we moved in 2014 to Pittsburgh when our kids were 11, 9, 7, and 2. It was an emotional move for us. I share the honest truth about how hard that time was for us (me!) here in this post.
5. Roller coasters absolutely terrify me. I’m the kid who used to throw up at the county fair. Awesome.
6. I have never met a cookie I didn’t like. (My girls and I love to bake, which further complicates this matter. Click the image below to find the recipe for these amazing oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!)
7. Although I try to be organized, my kitchen is usually a complete disaster when I go to bed. It doesn’t get much neater during the day either.
8. I love to tell stories. Growing up, my family always said that the two words I uttered most often were “one time…” I have recently discovered Instastories over on Instagram. This is like a dream come true for this girl! Come find my videos over there to see the “real me” – maybe my stories will even give you a chuckle every now and then. :)
9. I have given birth four times without drugs, but only because I was even more scared of having an epidural (needles are not my friend—see #21).
10. I can play the piano, the drums, and any percussion instrument. The marimba is my favorite. I have even been to band camp three times! Boom.
11. I am a small-town girl from northern Minnesota who nervously went off to college in the big city with a can of mace; I used to carry it inside my mittens. (Minnesota girls always wear mittens – we know how much warmer they keep your hands. Your fingers need to be side-by-side to stay warm. Now you know!) Click here or on the image below to find the tutorial for these simple DIY state canvases.
12. I grind/clench my teeth when I sleep. I have slept in a mouthguard since I was 13. It’s super attractive.
13. I grew up playing just about every sport on the planet, thanks to my two older brothers. I spent much of my childhood playing goalie in our basement with the couch cushions taped to my legs.
14. I had my ACL (a ligament) repaired in each knee in high school. My senior year, I resembled The Bionic Woman as I wore two absurdly large braces in order to get through the tennis season. Sometimes they would snag together, and I’d fall. Those were good times.
15. I have really neat handwriting. I used to have a business where I designed invitations and stationery by hand. (View the journal entry below here where I gave my 10-year-old a Safe Journal – a place she could feel comfortable asking us anything.)
16. The Bachelor/Bachelorette TV shows are my guilty pleasure. I’ve never missed a season. That’s quality TV at its finest, my friends.
17. I have loved photography ever since I got my first camera in 5th grade. It was turquoise. I used to line up all my stuffed animals and photograph them.
18. I started teaching fitness classes in college because I needed a job, and I also had to squeeze in time for exercise – so I decided to get paid to work out. (I like efficiency.) I’m still instructing as a side-gig to this day. I love it.
19. I am often in a hurry (and on the verge of being late). My husband says he can tell what I ate in a day because I often leave a trail of dishes and wrappers all over the house in my haste to move onto the next thing…
20. I don’t like coffee, tea, red wine, beer, or pop. (Yep, I say pop!) I’m thinking that might make me kind of weird now that I see it in writing.
21. I faint every single time I give blood. I have been told they no longer want my blood because I cause them so much trouble each time I try to donate.
22. I developed hypothyroidism after having my second daughter. Listen to your body – if you don’t feel right, make sure you speak up.
23. I was never a “dancer”, but I love to hit the dance floor. My husband is lucky that we got married before all those fun choreographed wedding dances became a thing. RIGHT. UP. MY. ALLEY.
24. I’m an eternal optimist. I have a sign in our mudroom that says Choose to be Happy. (View this post to see how we encourage our girls to focus on the good in life. And see our entire wall of inspiring quotes here in our mudroom!)
25. I started this blog in the fall of 2012 as a hobby and to create a future resource for my daughters, but it quickly became much more for me. It has filled a void in my life that I didn’t even know was there. I feel so lucky to have readers like you stopping by! Thanks so much for your interest. I hope you find a few ideas here that might work in your own life.
You can get to know the “real me” best on Instagram. I post pictures fairly often and share a lot of InstaStories where I chat about my life and hope to make you laugh now and then! I also try to show you quick tips (what we’re having for dinner, parenting tricks, a great new store I’ve discovered, etc.) when I only have a small amount of time. Instagram is quick and easy, while sometimes finding the time to blog and post is nearly impossibly these days… ugh!
You can simply click “like” below without leaving this page. Facebook is the perfect place where I can not only share ideas and posts, but we can also chat as a group. You have all helped me so much there with your comments and suggestions. Love this community we have built together!
I try to pin as much as I can! That’s a great place to refer back to all the various ideas I’ve shared over time.
I don’t tweet much, but I will always share any new posts on Twitter.
Please feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment for me anytime! :) I really do read every single email and comment!
The best way to get to know me on a more personal level is through my “from the heart” posts. Find them here:
How Having One More Baby Has Changed Me as a Mother
I Can Feel It Happening – My Daughter is Slipping Away
Thoughts on Moving: Missing Home and Finding it Again
Thank You Could Never Be Enough: The Liver Transplant that Saved My Mom’s Life
Don’t Be a Hater: Support Your Fellow Women
Take care, and thanks again for stopping by! I hope to connect with you soon!

It’s so nice to “meet” you! I took a toning class of yours at the Y in Wakefield, and I know Erin T. I heard you say you had a blog but forgot ever look it up. It’s fun to see other bloggers at work, and even better when they actually write well. I had to write to give you a high-five for #9 above. I’ve given birth 3 times without an epidural for the EXACT same reason. I’d rather feel the ring of fire than have a needle in my spine. NO. THANK. YOU.
Hi Summer! Thanks for the note! I peeked at your site–great stuff! So fun to have another blogger nearby. We should chat sometime. :) Please come say hi the next time you’re at one of my classes! So funny that you struggle with the thought of needles, too… I get light-headed just thinking about it!!!
Though I have known you for almost 20 years and know almost all of those traits you listed above, I still cracked up reading through them just now. You captured the unique, wonderful spirit of who you are… but you forgot to add that some people have told you that you are the funniest person they know (except for Aunt Pat). xox
LOL about Aunt Pat!!! I forgot about that. Well, if I am the funniest, second only to Aunt Pat, I’ll take it! You could also add that your husband thought he was going to be meeting “Mary Poppins” the first time he met me, based on your “maternal” description. And then along came the real me… ha! Thanks for the sweet note. You know I think you’re pretty special, too, my dear friend. xo
Very fun facts about a very fun person :) Your handwriting looks like a font that I would save on Pinterest!
Thanks, Jenna! I actually did have my handwriting made into a font at one point, but then when I got a new computer, it was lost somehow along the way. I will have to do that again sometime! :)
I SO heart you!!! (and your bionic knee braces!!!) ;-)
I SO heart you, too!! Remember those knee braces? Good Lord, they were awful. They used to snag together sometimes when I’d go for drop shots, and I’d wipe out… with my mom gasping behind me from the bleachers. I remember giving her “the look” then to silence her–it was embarrassing enough! Ah, those were the days…
I stumbled across your blog while searching for some new & fun poses for family photos. I quickly got sucked in by your amazing way of making me feel like I knew you already. I have really enjoyed reading all about you & your great ideas. I rarely spend any time reading blogs because I am a mother of 3 busy little boys(6,4,almost 2) and work part time running my own business while my mom helps me take care of them. My dad is a photographer for the past 40 years but he always loves it when I come to him with new ideas or suggestions for our “yearly” family photo shoot. So thank you for the great ideas, I can’t wait to schedule our session now! P.S. I too hate needles & chose the “all natural” path as well… made me feel like I could overcome or accomplish anything I put my mind too! :)
I loved reading this comment… you made my day! :) Sounds like we have a lot in common. So glad you found me and my blog! Thanks so much for taking a moment to leave me this nice note. Take care!
Was on stumbleupon and your site really caught my eye, I love your witty writing style, pinned some of your posts as well. So you made this great design all by yourself? Wow :)
Thanks, Sharon! Glad you found me! Yes, I spent most of my summer trying to build this site (and pulling my hair out along the way… I “broke” it at least four times… I start sweating just thinking about those moments!) I couldn’t have done it without the online course I took. My poor (and saintly) teacher also had at least 3 phone calls with me for well over an hour each for extra instruction, and my dear friend spent countless hours helping me, too. It got to the point where I would call or email them, starting with, “Guess who?!” :) But it’s done now, and it will probably look this way for a very long time–I’m afraid to mess with it now! Glad you like the look! Take care, and thanks so much for taking a second to drop me a note!
I just found you via Pinterest (the 5 year old bed making pin), but after I started reading, I realized you seemed familiar and thought it was probably through Koniks (yep, Erin is one of my dearest friends & neighbors, our boys are best buddies and Brad coaches my youngest son in hockey)– I see Brad is one of your followers, so that confirmed it for me right there! WOW small world! They literally live 150 yards from where I am sitting now in my home! I am enjoying your posts! It’s funny, we just celebrated Erin’s birthday 2 nights ago and the conversation about all of us having our degrees, how we chose to stay at home and the way that is viewed was a topic of discussion. I really believe that there has never been an a more educated “at home” mom workforce ever. It is great! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Oh my gosh, Tonia! What a fun coincidence! Yes, they are dear friends of ours. Brad was even in our wedding. Small world for sure! My husband flew in to surprise Brad for his 40th, so perhaps you even met him last year! Thanks so much for the note… tell the Koniks “Hello” for us! Love it!! :)
Love your website and your story. Keep up the good work
Will be using your ideas. I am as unorganized as it comes and hate it.
Thanks for the nice note, Viola. I hope some of the ideas you implement make life seem just a little bit less chaotic! Take care and thanks for stopping by!
I love your site!!! I feel like you might possibly have all the solutions and inspiration that I need to organize my home finally. :) I too gave birth w/o drugs because, in part, I was scared of the potential side effects of the epidural (also, you know, I figured if I could handle running a marathon, I could probably make it through labor).
I also really like your facts #16 and #19 b/c they humanize you so you don’t come across as super-perfect. :)
Hi Julia! Thanks for the fun note. So glad you think there are some ideas here that can help you get organized at home! And the “super-perfect” line made me laugh. I’m certainly far from THAT! I frequently give my husband the “there’s only one me and I’m all yours!” look when my non-perfect qualities come out… ha! And that’s impressive that you ran a marathon!! Since I teach fitness classes, people always think I’d be up for running a race or doing a triathlon with them, but the truth is that doing anything along that line makes me want to cry! NO.THANK.YOU. I even ran track (the hurdles) back in the day, but running more than 400M is torture for this girl!
Thanks for stopping by my blog… so glad you found me!!
I just wanted to say that your blog title was an awesome choice! It is very attention getting. Why would a Harvard grad want to be a homemaker? I look forward to reading your blog just for this reason!
Hi from a Minnesotan! Even us winter lovers have had it with this weather by now. :) Hmmm, wonder if I have a Minnesota accent?
Hi Debb! I just left you a note over on the other page, too. :) Love seeing that you’re from MN as well! It’s been quite a winter for you up there! And yes, I am pretty sure you have an accent. Ha! I didn’t know myself until I went to college, and people would literally stop me mid-sentence with “Where are you FROM?!” LOL.
I just stumbled upon your blog and am loving it. If you grew up where the star is in the Minnesota picture, we were practically neighbors. Although my family and I still live in the frigid north.
Hi Lindsay! Yes, I’m from northern Minnesota! I love that you’re there! This winter has been one for the record books, even by Minnesota standards. Hopefully spring is coming soon. :) We come visit every summer… maybe I can wave to you on the road!
I recently left a full time position in academia and now teach as an adjunct and run a local events website for families and spend more time with our 2 yr old and 7 month old. I’ve had a lot of “why do you have a law degree and just do this??” type of comments so the “laundry” comment resonates. I love your blog’s “voice” and look forward to reading more!
PS: we call it “pop” here in MI too :D
Hi Karen! It sounds like you live a happy, full life even if you’re not doing what “they” think you should be doing with your law degree. Good for you for finding your own balance! And thanks for the nice compliment – I’m glad you can hear the “real me” coming through in this blog! Love the “pop” thing, too! :) Take care and thanks for taking a second to leave me a note…
[…] Christy – Harvard Homemaker […]
I just came across your website from I Heart Organizing! I am so excited to read through it, and I have a feeling that it will become one of my favorites. I absolutely love the fact that you are a fellow well-educated woman who is happy and excited to be a stay-at-home mom. Your inspirational chalk board in the mud-room closet is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mandy! I just popped over to I Heart Organizing and responded to your sweet comment there, and then I found this one here! If you aren’t the nicest!! So glad you found me! I hope you find some inspiration here over time. Thanks again for taking a peek at my blog – it means a lot to know that you felt comfortable here! :) Take care! xo
Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog through Pinterest and absolutely love it. Following on Instagram (@scggirl) and Google+. Can’t wait to read more!
Hi Ida! So glad you found me! Thanks so much for following along! I’ll have to check out your blog as well! Take care. :)
I came across your blog the other day after desperately searching for some sort of online comraderie for mothers of 4 and had to say hello. I am pregnant with our fourth (due in October) and my other three will be 9, 7, and 6 when baby arrives, somewhat similar to your kids spacing. I have always wanted four so this last little bean will complete the family. I also have a four year degree and will be staying home after this one. I also fear the judgement and all the comments as we haven’t told anyone yet. I have read a few of your posts and your blog seems like just what I was searching for. Thank you for your writing :)
I came across your site through Huffington Post and I truly love it!! I’m a fan of your blog! :D
Hi HH,
I was also extremely interested in your blog when I came across it the other day because I have 3 girls and we are thinking about a 4th! Stephanie, our 3rd and 4th child would be 6 years apart as well. I would love to hear from anyone who has had a 4th and thoughts on the 6 yr age difference? My older two girls would be 10 and 9 and the third would be 6 years old. I look forward to checking back here at Harvard homemaker for updates. Great blog! Is this the best way to follow you? Thanks.
Hi Kristy, that’s almost the same spacing as me and my sisters and it was wonderful :-)
Even now as adults with our own children, we talk about how great it was to have kate (the baby, now 25 mind you) it was like having a real doll. So I’m sure whatever you do will be wonderful! I had my son and due to complications can have no more so I love reading about these loving beautiful families. Good luck!!
I am delighted to find your website. I have never met you but I love you!
Keep up the superb work.
You are so sweet. Thanks, Kiki! :)
Just thought of browsing for 2 minutes… That was 2 hours ago… Thank you for being the inspiration that you are… Love your writing… :)
Hope to see more of the articles…
Reading from Goa, India
Wow, thanks for the nice note, Joyce! So fun for me to hear that you got “lost” while perusing my site! I appreciate you taking a moment to drop me a note! :) Take care!
Hi Christy! I just love all the information you’ve freely given. My family and I are going on a Disney Cruise this October, so your vacation tips are going to come in handy. Also, I saw that someone was critical about you being a stay-at-home mom after graduating from Harvard. Shame on them! It has to take some immense courage to give up a successful career to stay-at-home. You and your family are blessed
Thanks again for sharing all you do.
Hi Ashley! Thank you so much for your kind note… I really appreciate it. I’m so glad you found my blog and my Disney Cruise tips! I hope they’re helpful! Take care. xo
I just discovered your blog during my desperate google search for household laundry advice. As a fellow mom of 4 (ages 14, 3, and 8 month old twins), I greatly appreciate your home organization tips, positive outlook, creative ways of connecting with your daugthers, and most of all, your willingness to share. Thank you! I will be pouring over the rest of your blog after my kiddos are asleep!
Hi Andrea! You’re too kind. I’m so glad you found me!! xo