We have a WINNER!! Lainstar left the 43rd comment–and 43 was the lucky number generated (see the screenshot below)! Yay! Please contact me ASAP so I can figure out how to get your prize to you. :) Thanks for entering everybody! So fun to count the comments–I was almost nervous as I was getting closer to the lucky name!! :) $100 to Target–woohoo!!

Time for my second giveaway! Please follow the simple steps below to enter to win a $100 gift card to Target! With lots of holiday shopping ahead, I’m sure somebody out there would love to be the lucky winner–maybe it will be you! :)
This giveaway will be ongoing until December 19. Offer ends at 11:00 pm EST that night. You may enter only once for this giveaway.
* Please leave a comment below to let me know you signed up and leave your email address just in case you win! :) (don’t forget to activate the newsletter after signing up–you will get a confirmation email that you need to click on! If your newsletter subscription isn’t complete, your entry will be void!)
OPTIONAL: (but certainly appreciated) :)
* Like HH on Facebook if you haven’t already. It’s also nice when people comment on or “like” some posts. That helps me spread the word so maybe your friends will discover my blog, too!
* If you use Pinterest, I’d love it if you followed me and pinned a few things from my board that you think are worth sharing with your friends! :)
Thanks everybody! Have a great day, and thanks for reading!!
* US residents only. Must be 18 years of age or older. Sorry!
* You may enter only once. The winner is determined by the order in which comments are left. If randomizer.org generates the number 1 and you left the first comment, you win!
* This giveaway expires at 11:00 pm on Wednesday, December 19. Time determined by my computer. :) No more entries after that point.
* Winner will be announced Thursday, December 20. If you remembered to leave your email address, I will contact you via email. If you forgot, you will have 24 hours to contact me. If no one claims the prize, randomizer.org will generate a new number, and this process will continue until a winner comes forward. (Bottom line: don’t forget to leave your email address if you think you may forget to check back!)
* No purchase of any kind is necessary.
* Neither Harvard Homemaker, nor anyone who lives in her household (husband/daughters), may enter this contest.
* Good luck! Have fun with it! I’m already excited to see who wins! I will send the winner their $100 gift card ASAP once I have an address for the recipient! :)